Na al in 2013 steun te hebben verleend aan Masaku voor het opknappen van slaapzalen, werkt de Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation weer mee aan het renoveren van de slaapzalen in 2016. De toiletten en kranen waren toe aan verbetering. De impact die dit had op de levens van de kinderen kunnen we terugzien in het eindrapport:

“It is difficult to measure the impact of quality improvements in quantitative terms. Without

doubt it can be said that the renovation has greatly improved the living conditions of the

children. The inspection team of the ministry, which made critical remarks about the

condition of the dormitories before the renovations, now concluded very positively about

the living conditions of the children of Masaku school.”Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 16.49.23

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