The project nomads to school is a project set up by the Dutch Private Initiative Rigdzin in cooperation with its local partner Vista. This project aims to expand the already existing education centre in Junyong with a secondary school. In 2007 The Vista project started with bilingual (Tibetan/Chinese) primary education with one classroom. By 2011 this has been expanded to 6 classrooms. In 2012 a boarding school was constructed to make sure that the children between the age of 6 and 14 could live at the centre. The ultimate aim is to set up an education centre with all levels of education from primary till university and make sure that the youth in this area is well educated and has a better chance on the job market.
In 2013 the MvRF has contributed to the expansion of the living units. Initially the organization had planned to construct extra classrooms but the need for extra living units proved to be more urgent. The project has been finalised.