The Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation is pleased to have contributed to the implementation of the Breaking Down Barriers programme by Sport4Socialisation (S4S), in Zimbabwe.
Through an initial evaluation of needs, S4S found the following four main areas to focus on:
- – Assessment and database collection
- – Training 20 mainstream teachers and 20 special needs teachers
- – Inclusive School Club Programme
- – Disability Awareness Programme
Assessment and database collection are important for Zimbabwe, because little is known about people with disabilities. This can make it difficult to get people the support they need. By setting up the database the information can be shared with other organisations and also local government, so that better support can be provided. After the programmes have been completed, evaluations can be carried out using the database.
The initial evaluation made clear that children with disabilities are not included in activities and suffer from social exclusion. To combat this, S4S is training 40 teachers.
Social exclusion of children with disabilities can also be prevented through the Inclusive School Club Programme, implemented at 10 schools following the teacher training course. This programme stimulates mutual respect and understanding between students and children with disabilities.
In addition to these projects there is also the Disability Awareness Programme. This programme helps to identify children with special needs and reduces stigma and discrimination.
260 Children with disabilities have taken part in adapted physical activities together with other children. This has increased contact and mutual understanding between students of regular schools and children with disabilities. The awareness and educational programmes have reached 10.000 children and 250 teachers. Cases of abuse and bullying have been identified and addressed.