Access to safe drinking water as well as hygienic sanitation in many local primary schools in Ruiru district, Kenya, is very poor and results in reduced school attendance, particularly among girls.
As such, access to safe drinking water and improved hygiene practices have emerged as urgent priorities for the area. Kune Zuva eagerly took on this project towards the goal of improving sanitation at Magomano Primary School, of course with financial support from the Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation.
This project benefitted 636 primary school pupils between the ages of 4-15, with
greatest benefit to girls who have been dropping out of school due to lack of latrine privacy at the target school. The project also benefitted 21 teaching staff at the school.
The project entailed the following parts, among others:
- Procurement of materials for construction of latrine units in the target school using
locally available materials - Construction of latrines
- Construction of hand washing platform at the school, sited appropriately near latrine blocks to facilitate good hygiene behaviours.
- Procurement of equipments and facilities for rain water harvestingincluding:
gutters for water harvesting; visual boards; nails; paint; hand wash platform - Hygiene education: raising awareness and promoting key hygiene
messages and practices.
The project has been successfully concluded and all the facilities built. The Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation is very happy to have supported Kune Zuva on this project at Magomano Primary School.