In 2013, ZAP built a primary school in Nkulamaziba along with sanitation facilities and eight houses for teachers. It became an official government school which meant that more than 700 children could go to school. Until recently, the region had no secondary schools and thus building one was the next step.
In 2015, the first building with three classrooms was completed. In the meantime, four houses for teachers have been built and 14 qualified teachers have been hired. Even though the school has not yet been completed, more than 400 students are already enrolled. When the school is finished, 800 to 900 children from a 35km radius are expected to attend.
Furthermore, the community has started building a boarding school so children from further away and girls, for whom walking alone is dangerous, can go to class every day.
Over the years ZAP has learned that when the community participates on a project, they feel involved and responsible for the progress and are really proud of their schools. The children feel motivated to attend class and stay in school! Especially due to ZAP’s project to keep girls in school, the counteraction of child marriages works very well. Girls are very motivated to stay in school and parents realise that in the long run, ensuring their daughters have a good future ahead of them is very important.
The Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation has contributed to the costs of building materials for the schools, classrooms and teacher’s houses.