In Tolitet, a small village in the west-Kenyan countryside, is a school with 106 children. The school was growing very quickly and children were forced to follow classes in loam huts due to a lack of space. Many essential items were missing such as, school tables, pens and notebooks, and schoolbooks. The students’ results were very good and they received very high scores. The Kidshare foundation took on the project of building a new school with four classrooms and toilets at the request of their partner organisation, African Divine Church. The goal was to improve the school’s quality of education. The results of the project were very positive. Electricity was connected in the village, there is always lunch available for the students, the number of students increased to 200 which means the school can now receive funding to pay the teachers.
The new school will have a positive impact on the village as children are now able to enjoy high quality education.