Three new classrooms for the Junior High School

In Ghana, in the Bunkpurugu district, lies the village of Najong #2. Government funding is limited, so education, healthcare, sanitation and clean drinking water are all rare. The Junior High School is a cob building of three classrooms, not big enough for the 271 students. The lavatories are not good enough, meaning many girls miss school for a week every month. Only five of the nine teachers are qualified.

The Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation decided to support World Servants in improving the facilities for students and teachers at Najong #2’s Junior High School.

The school was significantly improved by:
– Building three new classrooms
– Building 1 KVIP latrine with 4 toilets and a special changing room for girls
– One rainwater tank that allows the children to wash their hands
– Teacher training courses

Because there are more classrooms, the classes are now smaller and the teachers can give individual students more attention. The graduation rate, already 70%, is expected to increase as a result. The better sanitation will allow more girls to finish school. Over the past year, year 3 had 47 boys but only 29 girls, this is expected to improve.

From the final report the school sent us: “Your contribution afforded these communities to be provided new and modern classrooms for improved access and quality basic education. Enrolment is progressively increasing while teachers are to a large extent attracted by the injection of new and modern classrooms.” We are very happy to hear the facilities are being used!

GH515 20170607 klaslokalen voorzijde GH515 20170607 klaslokalen GH515 20170607 latrines en GCR 1 GH515 20170607 leerlingen in klas 1 GH515 20170607 leerlingen in klas 4 GH515 20170607 watertank 2